2021 Annual update
National Youth & Community Development Association
NYCDA Weekly Draw (Gambling Commission licence account no. 5166)
National Youth & Community Development Association
Key members report for the year ended 31 December 2021
NYCDA Weekly Draw – 2021 Summary of main achievements
As part of our commitment to our partners and LCCP obligations, the board of NYCDA are pleased to
report back on activities relating to the NYCDA Weekly Draw, which has continued to overcome an
extremely difficult 2021. Despite the heavy toll the Covid 19 pandemic has taken on us all with the
bulk of us living the UK living under huge restrictions, NYCDA has experienced a number of
challenges like everyone else, but has emerged out the other side and is confident of a bright future
for the NYCDA Weekly Draw and our stakeholders
As throughout the pandemic our focus, was to keep all stakeholders including members, staff and
volunteers safe and healthy. Furthermore, we have a commitment to our beneficiaries and with that
in mind, the organisation’s focus was to ensure the long term viability of the NYCDA Weekly Draw,
which in turn protected the funds raised for beneficiaries and all the great work they do.
As per 2020, despite these issues, as part of our annual reporting, we are pleased to report a positive
position in relation to total income from the NYCDA Weekly Draw of £1,232,452.00 was generated
over the 52 weekly draws that took place during the calendar year of 2021.
From that total, an exceptional £756,244.49 (61.36%) was generated to be used by our
beneficiaries and good causes for a range of sport, health and education based community projects.
These projects range from player development in Leeds and Hull, football development in Weston
Super Mare and women’s cricket in Durham to funding mole mapping machines for Melanoma UK in
Merseyside and health and wellbeing programmes in Stockport.
On top of those funds raised, £83,550 (6.78%) was won by members through the prize fund and
£392,657.52 (31.86%) was spent in expenses to ensure all of the NYCDA Weekly Draw could take
place and related activities could happen. Prizes were less than the previous year due to the loss of
members as a result of Covid 19 restrictions, reductions in cash memberships, loss of beneficiary
partners and cancellations from members. To protect expenses and more importantly our desire to
donate 60% to beneficiaries, the board opted to reduce the prize fund. However the commitment is
in place to raise this back towards pre Covid levels in due course.
NYCDA continues to ensure its cost base stays steady with funds spent on a variety of activities
including staff wages, office rent, travel, direct debit banking portals, promotional resources, social
media graphics, insurance, Gambling Commission licences, Covid response related PPE and much
The board continues to make difficult decisions to ensure the organisation’s long term success and
the commitment to raising funds to beneficiaries.
All concerned with the NYCDA Weekly Draw, like the rest of society, continue to deal with the effects
of Covid, but look forward to a restriction free 2022 and beyond. As restrictions have been lifted we
are making strides to getting out and about meeting stakeholders and members more regularly. The
focus is to increase membership, increase the prize fund and increase the donation to beneficiaries.
For more information on all the NYCDA Weekly Draw, please do not hesitate to contact us.